HONESTi22 started as a mess of family members, fooling around on their motorcycles and racing cars, trying to have the most fun ever after spending long hours at the family titanium factories.

A few years ago, they noticed a strong trend happening among their customers. More and more racing and luxury car owners were asking for lightweight, prestige-looking titanium car parts, especially lugs and wheel bolts. 

So, the company began buying new, state-of-the art machines to manufacture these new products. They tested these parts themselves by installing them in their own vehicles. They attended auto trade shows and racing events to find out what customers were looking for. 

The result is a forward-thinking company bringing you the best, cost-effective titanium auto fasteners and parts on the market – made by auto enthusiasts for the serious auto market.

We are the most experienced titanium manufacturer in Asia, located in Baoji, China, an area known as Titanium Valley. We've been in the business since 2009, with our other titanium factories existing for decades. We provide expertise and high-quality products to all of our customers, large and small.